Club guarantees rent: house wanted to keep Community Kitchen alive
House wanted. Guaranteed rent. Caring tenants and help a charitable service continue its local humanitarian work.
This not-for-profit organisation has been a mainstay and lifeline in the district for 31 years. Richmond Club, a long-time supporter, pays the Community Kitchen’s rent, so landlords can be assured it is backed by one of the largest business groups in the Hawkesbury.
Chairperson Phoebe Peterson says they are guaranteed long-term renters, having been in their current location for 13 years.
“It’s time to move and we need a new home,” she said. “We’re looking for a 3-bedroom house, with kitchen, 1-2 bathrooms, laundry and open-plan living areas and ideally an outdoor yard, something up to $400 per week.”
“We are great tenants because we are only there for a few hours during the day and a couple hours at night and are gone by 7:30pm. We are not open at night time on the weekend.”
The Kitchen is seeking an open-plan house, preferably in Windsor close to the railway station, but will consider Richmond near the train station. They also need to be able to renovate the house to suit their operating and storage needs.
The Community Kitchen opens for lunch and dinner Mondays to Fridays, and lunch on Saturdays and Sundays.
If you can help,or know anybody who can, please contact Phoebe Peterson on 0428 231 847.
Pictured (top right): Volunteer Helen, who has been with the kitchen since it opened 31 years ago. (Middle): Some of the volunteers with food donations made by the community. (Bottom): The home they are vacating in Windsor.
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