Richmond Club

Established in the 1940’s by a group of Diggers, Richmond Club’s foundations have been built firmly on the Australian spirit of mateship.

Armed with the idea for a meeting site, this keen group of returned servicemen purchased an unused block of land on the corner of East Market and Francis Street – the very place where your Club stands today.

With no bricks available and building materials in short supply, the enthusiastic young men utilised the local networks at their disposal. While some of the materials may have had questionable origins, theirs was an honest quest and the dream began to take shape.

A local American supplied illegal poker machines, a keg found its way onto the end of the bar, drinking glasses were rented and the 20 strong club was well and truly on its way.

As Richmond grew, so did the club and through the hard work and determination of these inaugural members, its role in supporting the community was established. Over the years, providing assistance through community support, grants and initiatives came to be Richmond Club’s core motivation.

Today, as the number one private employer in the region and with its legacy of pride and belonging, your Club proudly continues to uphold its long established role of ‘Community Heart’.

A place for everyone…always a place for you.

