Wanderest is a centrally located travellers park offering visitors amenities to rest, refresh and explore the beautiful and historic Hawkesbury River region, before continuing on their traveller’s.
Nestled at the gateway to the Blue Mountains, the park is available to club members for up to 4 nights per stay and up to 2 stays per month*
Perfectly positioned, Wanderest provides an inexpensive holiday with all the amenities you can expect from a great travellers park. Pet friendly with clean and modern toilets and showers, powered & non-powered sites, waste dumping station, picnic tables and open grassed areas.
Take a break at Wanderest! With uninterrupted views of our Lowlands and the Blue Mountains, easy access to the historic Hawkesbury region and outstanding facilities, you’ll remember your stay for many years to come.
Please call our reception desk on 4578 1144. Unfortunately we cannot take online bookings at this time.
$10 per night – non-powered sites
$25 per night – powered sites
*two separate, non-sequential stays, per calendar month
Terms and Conditions:
– We will try our best to accomodate the entire duration of your stay at a single site. Unfortunately we do not allow the booking of multiple sites to accumulate a single visit.
– Under Council regulations we can only accept self-contained motorhomes and caravans. Tents and mini camper vans are not allowed at this time.
– Key deposit – $20
We ask you to follow these rules when using the traveller’s park:
To ensure you have the most relaxed and enjoyable stay possible, please respect other people’s space and property, and follow the few simple rules.
We are NOT a caravan park; it’s a facility we offer to our members.
You acknowledge that we are not liable to you for any loss, damage, injury or any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or economic loss or damage (including loss of opportunity, exemplary or punitive damages) whether to person or property (including the Vehicle) and whether arising from default, negligence, misconduct or otherwise by us, our employees and agents.
Please note: The Managers are authorised by Council to use their discretion in situations not covered by these rules.
- The person whose name appears on the booking form or registered form is responsible for ensuring compliance with the rules and booking conditions by all members of his/her party. Sites are allocated on arrival only! And cannot be sub-let to other guests/friends etc.
- Bicycles, scooters, roller skates/blades etc. are not permitted to be used in the Park at any time (visitors included)
- Any guest or visitor failing to comply with the park rules will be asked to leave the park within two (2) hours. A fee of $20 will apply for any lost fobber, key or padlock.
- Members are allowed: TWO visits per calendar month (4 consecutive nights max), with a 24 hour delay between stays…Check out time is 10am.
- Managers have the right to require Patrons not to encroach beyond their sites/s boundary. Guests must keep all personal equipment within the site boundaries, management is at liberty to terminate occupancy if these guidelines are not adhered to, and the $20.- deposit may be kept.
- No vehicles, vans, trailers, boats, tarp ropes, temporary clothes lines etc. are to impede public or internal access ways / walkways etc. (Power cords)
- Patrons are not to set up annexes/gazebos or any fixture that impede onto other sites. This includes cars, boats, belongings etc.
- Only “Self contained” vehicles are allowed to stay in the park. “NO Cars, Tents or Juicy vans.”
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for their children’s safety and behaviour within the Park. Children under 8 years of age must be accompanied by an adult to the amenities. Patrons under the age of 18 must not stay overnight in the Park unless accompanied by their parent or guardian.
- Vehicles must be parked in their allocated sites with one (1) vehicle only per site. This car must be registered at the Reception on arrival. All other vehicles or visitors vehicles must remain outside the park grounds. Washing vehicles on premises are not permitted.
- Noise must be kept at a minimum, especially after 9.00pm. Undue noise or offensive language is not permitted at any time. Generators are allowed from 10am to 7pm.
- Open fires or fireworks are not permitted anywhere within the Park.
- Patrons and/or visitors are permitted to bring pets into the Park. All pets must be on a leash.
Water is now optional as we lost so many double adapters; make sure to bring your own. - No parking or driving on or over concrete slabs, or other patrons’ sites is permitted.
- Patrons are to enquire at the office for the location of dump point. All black water must be emptied into the dump point. Any patrons disposing of black water other than in the dump point will be asked to leave the Park immediately. No portable toilet tents to be erected on site.
- No mats, shade cloths, tarps etc. to be placed on grassed areas.
- Smoking and washing your laundry is not permitted in the amenities block.
- The Managers as authorised by Council, reserve the right to evict any person contravening these Rules & Conditions, Council By-laws, Caravan Park & Removable Dwellings Regulations or disrupting the harmonious running of this business to the staff, managers or owners of this business. The management have the right to refuse site usage or entry to any person.