Richmond Club

Garry Watterson

Vice Chairman

2003 – Current

Garry Watterson is a seasoned director in the district, having served on many groups in the community. They include the international dragway, community action group, the powerboat club for over a decade and a hot rod club where he is a life member of more than 25 years.

Garry’s parents were members of the Richmond Club and both served on the board for nearly two decades. Garry is vice chairman of both Hawkesbury Living and the Richmond Club. He is enormously proud of the club’s community initiatives including work with local people experiencing homelessness, sports sponsorships, oncology services and aged care. The community-focused local, born and raised in the Hawkesbury, regularly liaises with government and senior public servants.

For a decade Garry played a central role in the Skilled Olympics, including its inaugural year. He has achieved significant success over a decade as a founding manager of UWSConnect.
